Rules and Regulations

  1. The 2026 tournament will occur on a date which will be announced in 2025. The contest will take place on Coon Lake off of the anoka/washington county East access. No access is allowed into the fishing area prior to 10:00am on the day of the tournament (See rule #22 & 23).

  2. you must have an official doi admission ticket in order to enter the competition area. if you do not have a ticket, you will be able to purchase one at the event. individuals without a ticket, may not enter the competition area.

  3. The ice fishing competition may be canceled or postponed for any reason. Any cancellation will be announced on the official diesel on ice website, the Universal Truck Service Facebook page, and diesel on ice Facebook page.

  4. Any species and size fish is eligible to win a prize. grand prizes are available to all contestants who qualify at registration.

  5. bait will not be provided. all bait fish must be 4 inches or smaller. any bait fish that exceeds 4 inches will not be allowed in the contest area.

  6. prior to february 14th, pre-sale ticket prices will be $25.00 per person. After that date, ticket prices will increase to $30.00. tickets sold on the ice will be $30.00. No more than 3,000 will be sold and/or given out. everyone must have a ticket. no refunds will be given for any reason.

  7. each person will be allowed to fish one hole per ticket. you may register as many fish as you want. there are no age requirements for tournament participation. all fish must be registered by the person who caught them. Each contestant may register as many fish as the contestant wants, but only the heaviest fish per contestant will qualify for a contest prize. you may not give a fish to another contestant to register.

  8. dead or frozen fish are ineligible. judges shall have the right to verify that the fish were legally caught. the decision of the judges is final.

  9. participants must enter the contest area through the inspection point. all buckets, bags, bait, containers, etc. must be inspected prior to entering the contest area. contest officials and personnel have the right to inspect any and all items brought through the inspection point, including outerwear. no glass containers are allowed in the contest area and will be confiscated by and FORFEITED to tournament officials.

  10. no outside alcoholic beverages may be brought into the competition area.

  11. all fish must be caught and the contestant must be on the way to the judge’s stand by 2:55 pm on the day of the contest.

  12. contestants must fish in the area designated for the contest and will be required to have their tickets visible at all times. ticket checks, as well as container inspections, will be performed at the entrance and all participants must pass through the main entrance with tickets visible.

  13. contestants will be allowed to move to other unoccupied holes in the contest area. you may bring as many fishing poles as desired, but cannot use more than one pole per hole at a time. contestants must use the pre-drilled holes provided. no spears or ice augers are allowed. ice chisels are allowed.

  14. one hole per ticket. additional tickets may be purchased if a contestant desires a second hole. two holes max per person!

  15. all laws of the state of Minnesota will be abided by.


The problem with winter sports is that — follow me closely here — they generally take place in winter.
— Dave Barry



16. all fish caught will immediately be released back into coon lake after registration, no exceptions! all fish will be weighed and released immediately.

17. contestants are responsible for their own safety, actions, and property at all times. all sponsors, hosts, promoters, event organizers will not be responsible for damages, injuries, or even death that could occur before, during, or after the event.

18. contestants must be in plain view from all sides at all times. no shelters of any kind are allowed.

19. prizes are the responsibility of the winners. licensing, taxes, registration, transportation, and all incidental or sequential expenses incurred are the responsibility of the participants. all prizes must be claimed the day of the event.

20. no motorized vehicles are allowed in the contest area, other than contest officials vehicles. any contestant who brings a motor vehicle within 100 yards of the contest perimeter will be disqualified.

21. Contestants are required to park in the areas provided. carpooling recommended.

22. no spears allowed. heaters, chairs, bait pails, and depth finders are allowed. ice chisels are recommended as holes are drilled the day prior. the use of augers is not allowed. weighted lines without hooks can be used to check depth prior to 11:30pm.

23. on the day of the competition, spotters will be on the ice to ensure no fishing occurs throughout the times 11:30pm-12:00pm. anyone with their lines in the water between 11:30pm to the start of the contest will be disqualified.

24. anyone pre-fishing on coon lake within 24 hours prior to the day of the contest will be disqualified from the ice fishing competition.

25. A contestant may reserve no more than two holes, no earlier than 10:00am. you must be in possession of two tickets to reserve or fish more than one hole. members directly involved with the contest on the day of the tournament are not eligible for contest prizes.

26. failure to comply with any of the contest rules subjects the contestants to disqualification and removal from the competition site- as determined by contest officials. right to refuse or revoke a competition ticket to anyone is hereby reserved.

27. all contestants and others hereby consent to the use of any photographs or likeliness of themselves to be used in the promotion of our contest, including but not limited to print, radio, television, etc.

28. universal truck service and our sponsors thank you for supporting our efforts to protect the environment and request that you remove all sources of garbage (including cigarette remains) and place them in the provided and appropriate waste containers from the ice when you leave.